
The ABBI (Audio Bracelet for Blind Interaction) project aims at improving spatial cognition, mobility and social skills in visually impaired children. It will develop motion-sensitive “bracelets” that use sound to convey spatial information (e.g., movement, position), to help develop spatial awareness and understanding. Our role on the project at Glasgow is to develop software for the project, to research sound design, and to investigate novel ways of using the ABBI bracelets to help people with visual impairment.

Research Summaries


  • Audible Beacons and Wearables in Schools: Helping Young Visually Impaired Children Play and Move Independently. Euan Freeman, Graham Wilson, Stephen Brewster, Gabriel Baud-Bovy, Charlotte Magnusson, and Hector Caltenco. Proceedings of CHI 2017.
  • Towards a Multimodal Adaptive Lighting System for Visually Impaired Children. Euan Freeman, Graham Wilson, and Stephen Brewster. Proceedings of ICMI 2016 Demos.
  • Multimodal Affective Feedback: Combining Thermal, Vibrotactile, Audio and Visual Signals. Graham Wilson, Euan Freeman, and Stephen Brewster. Proceedings of ICMI 2016 Demos.
  • Automatically Adapting Home Lighting to Assist Visually Impaired Children. Euan Freeman, Graham Wilson, and Stephen Brewster. Proceedings of NordiCHI 2016 Posters.
  • Using Dynamic Audio Feedback to Support Peripersonal Reaching in Young Visually Impaired People. Graham Wilson and Stephen Brewster. Proceedings of ASSETS 2016.
  • Automatically Adapting Home Lighting to Assist Visually Impaired Children. Euan Freeman, Graham Wilson, and Stephen Brewster. Proceedings of CHI 2016 Extended Abstracts.
  • Using Dynamic Audio Feedback to Support Peripersonal Reaching in Visually Impaired People. Graham Wilson and Stephen Brewster. Proceedings of ASSETS 2015 Demos.
  • Effects of Sound Type on Recreating the Trajectory of a Moving Source. Graham Wilson, Stephen Brewster, Hector Caltenco, Charlotte Magnusson, Sara Finocchietti, Gabriel Baud-Bovy, and Monica Gori. Proceedings of CHI 2015 Extended Abstracts.

Website & Social

Project Partners

The ABBI project comprised five partners from a variety of backgrounds. Our role was to investigate feedback and interaction design, whilst developing software for the project.

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This project was funded by the European Commission’s FP7 programme (#611452).